The History of Narcissism: A Mental Malady or Spiritual Sickness?

The History of Narcissism: Donald Trump: Mental Malady or Spiritual Sickness

In his book “Rewire” Richard O ‘ Conner gives us a glimpse into one of the most destructive personality disorders known to mankind –Narcissism. Defined as the pursuit of gratification from vanity or the admiration of one’s own attributes (self-love), narcissism  gains its significance from Greek mythological figure “Narcissus” who according to Greek folklore looked into a pool of water and suddenly fell in love with the reflection of his own image. According to Greek Mythology, Narcissus was a Laconian hunter who loved everything beautiful. He was proud and hated those who didn’t worship his beauty. As Greek history would have it, he forced his admirers to commit suicide to prove their loyalty to his striking beauty.

My first encounter with the term “Narcissism” came as Criminal Justice student in the 1990’s. In my “Deviant Behavior” class my professor talked about people with the ability to do harm to others without any feeling of remorse, and, in many cases, after committing the most heinous and violent crimes, believed that they were the victims. Also called “Victim Stance” in sociology and law enforcement circles, I became interested in what made people like this tick.

For years after college, I challenged myself to put to good use the information I learned in class, how to identify people with narcissistic traits to see if they were really people who could commit violent crimes without remorse. But it was hard. Narcissists don’t walk around with signs around their necks that read “Hi Charles, I’m a Narcissist” nor are these traits immediately noticeable upon meeting someone. So, I discovered that if I was going to be able to identify narcissistic traits in others, I had to continue to study this maladaptive personality disorder in more depth, and to allow time and human interactions to continually be my tutors.

Well, the first job I landed after school proved to be the perfect proving ground for identifying narcissistic behavior – the Florida Department of Corrections. And, believe me it wasn’t long before the things I learned in college were put to the test. As you might imagine correctional settings are full of individuals who make it their life’s work taking advantage of others.  I won’t go into details about what I learned through conversations, personal stories shared, or observed behavior within a maximum-security prison, but, you better believe that after working there for 6 years, I received a master”s degree in maladaptive personality disorders and now, after my departure, I could spot a narcissist a mile away.

But soon after this, I realized that I still had a lot of unanswered questions about the disorder. Even though I believed I could recognize a narcissist within a reasonable amount of time, I wanted to know what causes a person to become a narcissist? Are they born with personality a trait that predisposes them to look inward regarding relationships with others, or is this behavior the result of a poor upbringing and simply a coping mechanism. Is it a way of compensating for low self-esteem, or a combination of both? However, to get the answers to these questions I would have to rely less on my formal education and more on my faith.  Instead of consulting experts on the topic of human behavior such as Nietzsche, Freud or Rousseau, I decided to go straight to the source of human behavior, the Bible. I find the Bible to be the most comprehensive book on human behavior ever written. It gives us a detailed account of the creation of mankind, so it would stand to reason that it should be consulted when determining the scope of man’s invisible faculties namely the mind. After much prayer, the first thing I realized was that narcissism was not a creation of Greek Mythology, but cloaked itself in it to conceal is true origin. The characteristics of a narcissists was first found in Satan, a fallen angel bent on undermining the authority of God.. Here”s what the Bible has to say about Satan and the spirit of narcissism :

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.[ I will ascend above the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.” But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.” Isaiah 14: 12-15

It doesn’t take a Bible scholar to understand the meaning of this scripture. A cursory reading will reveal that Lucifer, one of the angelic beings in God’s heavenly court has been cast down to the earth for attempting to usurp the authority of God. If you read it carefully, you will hear Lucifer talk about himself exclusively as if he is the Sovereign God. It is this “self-love” or gratification in one’s own attributes that is the source of the “Spirit of Narcissism”. Again, it was first found in Lucifer. According to the Bible, once Lucifer was cast to the earth his name became Satan.

This is a good starting point for understanding narcissistic behavior because it opens a new door into the personality disorder. If it is a spirit then we don’t have to look at criminals and in correctional intuitions to find narcissist because  they exist in all shapes and sizes and appear across a broad section of the social and, economic landscape. To make matter worse this reveals that many of them hold positions of significance and are responsible for the safety and welfare of millions of people. In my opinion, these individuals pose a greater threat to public safety than those sitting in jail cell. Therefore, identifying them may be of great importance.

Since Lucifer now called Satan is the source narcissism, then it stands to reason if the spirit was detected in Narcissus in Greek Mythology and given a name, Satan surely didn’t stop there. He is sure to have influenced the mind of others throughout the expanse of history. From this we can deduce that people with a narcissistic mindset did not disappear in ancient times but reared their heads in events that have characterized the 19th and 20th centuries. From Hitler’s persecutions of the Jews in the 1940’s to Stalin’s’ Communistic purges of the 1930’s and 40’s, to religious leaders of the 1970 ‘s (Jim Jones) narcissist are largely drawn the historical map of the 21st century and play a major role in shaping the geopolitical landscape of today. The Bible describes Satan’s use of world leaders for his destructive purpose this way:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV)

Armed with this truth, we can be sure that Satan is not without a narcissistic arrow to fire from his quiver of world leaders for the 21st century. I believe this figure has been characterized in the face of Donald Trump, America’s 45th president.

The narrow election of Donald Trump’s as 45th president of the United States, will be the most costly election in American history. Running on a campaign of hate it shouldn’t be surprising that it is the beginning of a dark era for America. More than any other president, Trump fits the narcissistic profile of the world’s most lethal despots and notorious villains. Since his nomination as the Republican candidate for president, Trump has used explosive rhetoric taken straight out of the playbook of some of the world’s most venomous leaders. He seems to identify with personality traits that have led to the most extreme cases of totalitarianism and mass atrocities in history.

Therefore, to expose and combat this insidious effort of Satan to undermine American Democracy using a modern day narcissist, I will reveal the narcissistic traits in some of the world’s most notorious leaders then I will highlight these same destructive shortcomings in Donald Trump to prove why his presidency could be disastrous for America and the world.

Here are 7 Characteristics of  A Narcissist:

1. Narcissists are Prideful and Arrogant

Ever since Donald Trump accepted the nomination of the Republican party for President of the United States one thing has been apparent: Donald Trump is both arrogant and self-centered. From the beginning of his campaign he has used the word “I” in such a selfish way as to suggest that being President of the United States is all about him and not about solving the problems of the country. During a campaign event it was recorded that Donald Trump used the word “I” 17 times in a 9-minute speech. For those who have not heard this rhetoric before, it is taken right out of the play book of one of the most notorious narcissists in the world, Satan.

In the courtroom of God, Lucifer stands trial for treason. He attempts to elevate himself above the authority and ruler ship of God. We can hear as Isaiah records the charges levied against Lucifer by God Himself. As we look at this verse, it reads as a court transcript. Lucifer’s arrogance and self-contentedness leap off the pages of the Bible as he uses the word “I” 5 times while rehearsing his plan to overthrow the government of God. The Bible makes this transcript available for all to read.

“For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High… Isaiah 14: 12-14 (NKJV)

Look at how many times Satan uses the word “I” in this relatively short scripture. Like Satan, the selfishness of many people is rooted in the fact that they think they have created themselves. Selfish and arrogant people  think they have pulled themselves up from their boot straps and deserve all the credit for their success. This apparently was Satan’s motivation for leading a coup against the God who created him.

According to Ezekiel 28, Lucifer was an Angel who was adorned with splendor and beauty. Like Narcissus, he let it go to his head. This was the beginning of the end for Lucifer. God defeated Satan and those who followed him and cast him to the earth like a bolt of lightning. Jesus further testifies to the eviction of Satan from his former abode in the New Testament writing of Saint Luke:

“He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”. Luke 10:18 (NIV)

Again, after his fall and subsequent eviction from heaven to earth, Satan’s begins his plan to deceive the nations. He looks for men he can use to pick up where he left off: to elevate himself above God.

After his arrival on earth, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was one of the earliest pawns to Satan’s schemes. According to Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar ruled over the largest kingdom in the world.

Your Majesty, you are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth. Daniel 4:22 (NIV)

According to the Bible, because of the expanse of his kingdom, Nebuchadnezzar became arrogant and prideful. Like Lucifer before him, he didn’t give God credit for his success, but chose to take all of the credit. To have an elevated sense of significance above one’s gifts and callings is one of the symptoms narcissistic tendencies, to use what God gave them for their personal advantage instead of for His glory is the epitome of narcissistic behavior.

According to the Book of Proverbs, “A haughty or Prideful heart comes before the fall” Prov. 18:12 and this turned out to be the case for Nebuchadnezzar. After years of not giving God the honor and credit that He was due, Daniel was dispatched to tell Nebuchadnezzar the bad news: he would be disposed of his kingdom and cast out into fields to live as a wild man. Daniel interpreted a dream that God gave Nebuchadnezzar notice of his impeding eviction. He assured him that he would be restored to greatness after he had learned his lesson. Just before his eviction, Daniel records that Nebuchadnezzar said these words:

“he said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” Daniel 4:30 NIV

Did you catch that? He used the word “I” to describe the vastness and greatness of his kingdom on earth. A search of biblical history record that Nebuchadnezzar was subsequently put out of the palace and made to live among the wild animals. His hair and nails grew so long that he began to resemble the wildlife where he resided. Those who passed by could see him eating wild grass with oxen in the pastures. Nebuchadnezzar. once the most powerful man in the world had not only suddenly lost his entire kingdom, but also lost his mind.

“He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored.” Daniel 4: 33-34 NIV

After being restored to his kingdom as God had promised, Nebuchadnezzar didn’t seem quite as arrogant and prideful as before. He still used the world I but not to promote himself, but to highlight the sovereignty of God. He recognized that God alone raises up and brings down kings.

“Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right, and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.” Daniel 4:37 (NIV)

At the height of his rule, Nebuchadnezzar was kicked out of his palace and placed in the pasture with wild animals. Like so many other powerful world leaders throughout the expanse of history, Nebuchadnezzar failed to see the truth until it was almost too late. Those given the responsibly to lead others should govern with humility realizing that everything they have comes from God. And, that He is the righteous Judge of the universe. God will not allow his people to be subjugated to tyranny and evil but for so long. Yes, Nebuchadnezzar was a narcissist who mistakenly thought that he was the center of the universe, but after taking a course in humility he realized he was wrong. However, unlike Satan, the forerunner of all narcissistic behavior, Nebuchadnezzar experienced God mercy and was returned to his throne. But, Satan was evicted forever and is looking for the next narcissistic personality to work his nefarious plots. I only hope Donald Trump will learn from the life of Nebuchadnezzar and take a course in humility before it is too late.

2. Narcissist are Compulsive Liars 

According to the Bible, if there is one single trait that signifies the influence of Satan in a person life, it’s their inability to tell the truth. From the beginning of history Satan sought to hinder Gods plan for humanity by deceiving people. He started in the Garden of Eden by deceiving the first representatives of humanity Adam and Eve. And, ever since, Satan has continued to deceive men throughout history, especially leaders. Jesus Christ to the point that Jesus reveals that he is the source of all lies and the chief of all liars.

“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it”. John 8: 44 (NKJV)

According to this scripture, Jesus reveals that sometimes Satan carries out his deceptive plan through individuals (Trump) and at other times he carries them out by influencing political bodies. (Senate and the House) or the Pharisee. In this country, both Trump and the House and Senate members of this country have a problem telling the truth, but for this article we will focus on Trump.

In every other instance, I provide a historical a figure who shares the same narcissistic tendencies of Donald Trump then trace this trait directly back to Satan. However, because of the dominance of this trait in Donald Trump I will cut out the middle man and draw a line directly from Trump to Satan.

Since the beginning of his candidacy for president alone Trump has been notorious for telling lies baseless lies. As the President of the United States, I was appalled at the number of blatant lies Donald Trump has told the American people. Donald Trump has told so many lies that there are media sources committed to tracking them and then challenging their accuracy  According to a Washington Post “fact checker” of the first 100 days of Trumps presidency revealed 492 lies or false claims made by the president. As we move into the mid-term elections, please click on the link to see how many fictitious claims Trump has made since his presidency and determine how they may affect you on certain key issues.

If you have clicked on the link, then you have seen that Trumps lies on a  wide spectrum of issues that affect Americans directly . Whether he lied regarding economics, politics, trade or just plain lied, his efforts to deceive have one goal: to mislead and to deceive the American electorate. Donald Trump even had the audacity to claim that there were more people at his presidential inauguration that at the inauguration of former president Barack Obama, despite overwhelming video evidence to the contrary. This not only proves that Trump has a long distant relationship with the truth but may lack the ability to tell the truth.

It apparent that narcissist like Satan and Donald Trump simply find no utility in the truth. The truth only highlights their emptiness and their fallen since of self-worth. Narcissists use lies to exaggerate their achievements and accomplishments even in the face e of conflicting evidence. Narcissist like Donald Trump will do or say anything to feed his  grandiose ego and to make himself seem more intelligent and successful than he is. However, in the end, like Pinocchio, whose nose grew the more  he lied, the more Trump lies the more the country he was elected to unite will become divided.

3. Narcissist Use People for  Personal Gain 

While narcissist’s are found in a wide variety of occupations and professions, the financial sector seems to be one of their more favorite hangouts. Like the heavy drinker who can often be found at the bar across the street, people with an insatiable thirst for more money can often be found hanging out near Wall Street. I think, for the narcissist, having large sums of money supports the illusion that they are smarter than the rest of society and reinforces any stance they take on economic, social or political issues. They often convince others that since they are rich, they must be right. When, in more times than not, they are wrong.

This was the attitude that permeated the landscape of the early American industrialist known as “Robber Barons”. A name taken from the unscrupulous German robber barons of the feudal period who got rich by levying heavy taxes on unwary travelers. Even though these industrialists have long died, the spirit of the Robber Baron seemed to have come back to prominence during the “Great Recession” of 2007. However, amid the various names that surfaced during this dark financial period for America, former stockbroker and investment adviser Bernie Madoff was at the top of the list.

In December 2008, Madoff was arrested when he admitted that his investment securities firm “Madoff Investment Securities” LLC was nothing more than an elaborate Ponzi scheme defrauding billions of dollars from uninformed investors. Madoff admitted to providing false financial statements to clients when the estimated value of their accounts was fictitious. Prosecutors estimate that the size of the fraud at about $50 billion . However, since his arrest, it has been determined that about $35 billion  of Madoff’s estimated $64 billion fund never actually existed. The Madoff scheme sent  tremors through the financial and philanthropic sectors causing several charitable foundations to close their doors. In 2011 Madoff was charged with 11 counts of securities fraud and sentenced to 170 years in prison for operating the largest Ponzi scheme in American history.

Like Madoff, Donald Trump has also been known to take advantage of the ill advised. During his time as a so-called developer, Trump left behind a cemetery of bad business deals and he has the bankruptcies and lawsuits to prove it. From a business standpoint, Trumps has been less than honest in a host of business transactions that cover decades in which he reneged on promises that left others holding the bag. A Forbes magazine article reported that Trump and his son took money raised at a celebrity golf tournament for kids with cancer and used the funds for personal and business use. Trump also used Madoff like scams to cheat hundreds of people out of tuition money paid for a fictitious Trump University degree in Business.

As you can see, the spirit of the Robber Barons has continued to rear its ugly head at various stages throughout history. Its goal is to steal large sums of money by taking advantage of honest hardworking people. Madoff and Trump are just  2 of the latest culprits in centuries of thefts by narcissistic rulers and financiers. Sadly, these thieves not only rip off millions of people with their scams, but are a real threat to undermining the entire world financial system.

The thief comes but to kill steal and to destroy.” John 10:10

4. Narcissist Have Difficulty Sustaining Meaningful Relationships

Have you ever noticed that Donald Trump doesn’t get along with anyone? Even with people that he calls his friends. On Monday they may be cordial, but on Tuesday he usually argues with them and call them names. This is because narcissist have a difficult time cultivating meaningful relationships. Since becoming president, this fact has become even more apparent among those in his inner circle.

Among Trumps closest allies there has been a flood of resignations and firings within the first year of his term. Not to mention, that there are more vacant cabinet positions in the Trump White House almost a week before mid-term elections than of any former administration. This stems from Trumps inability to foster healthy long-term relationships and the overarching fact that narcissist don’t like people. So, why do narcissist have a hard time fostering meaningful relationships?

One reason is that narcissist are self-centered and easily offended even over minor offenses which they perceive to be an all out attack on their character. Narcissist are jealous and hold grudges over  offenses that most people move on from or learn to forgive. However, for the narcissist these seemingly inconsequential disagreements can cause long term resentment that become fodder for retaliation against former friends, adversaries, or entire races of people.

Hate that causes one to dislike entire races was seen in the face of one of the world’s most notorious narcissists, Adolf Hitler. Hitler, born in Austria-Hungary in 1889, became leader of the German Nazi party from 1939 to 1942 and began World War II with the invasion of Poland in 1939. Angered by the Treaty of Versailles proposal to heap huge war cost on the Germans for World War I, Hitler led a campaign of extreme nationalism (Fascism) which resulted in the deaths of millions of Jews.

Some historians believe Hitler’s hate for the Jews stems from a  childhood crush he had on a Jewish girl who did not reciprocate his feelings.  According to memoirs from a close friend of Hitlers, August Kubizek, a young Hitler became infatuated with a Jewish girl named Stefanie Rabatsh. According to Kubizek, Hitler would become furious when local soldiers commanded more of Rabatsh’s attention than he did. Historians speculate that these early intense feelings of love, hate and anger may have played a significant role in the development of Hitler’s narcissistic personality. If this is true, a slight from a young Jewish girl in his adolescence could have turned Hitler into one of the most notorious killers of all time. Under Hitler’s racially charged ideology, the Nazi regime killed about 5.5 million Jews. Along with Jews Hitler’s regime was responsible for killing another 19 million civilians and prisoners of war during this time.

As with other narcissists throughout history, it appears that Trump has taken not only a page, but the entire book on hate from his alleged hero Adolf Hitler. According to an article in the “Independent”, Ivana Trump sourced that Trump kept a book “My New Order” containing Adolf Hitler speeches next to his bed. Trump also allegedly admitted that he owned a copy of the Nazi manifesto “Mein Kampf”. Trump was obviously captivated by Hitler’s orators’ skills and may have also been a fan of his ideology. Like Hitler, Trump, who is of German descent, hates large swaths of racial and ethic groups. While campaigning for office,  Trump alienated African Americans, Muslims, Latinos, Women, Veterans, and Athletes. It’s ironic that while using hateful rhetoric against innocent groups, he embraced known murderers like Hitler, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong Un. This alone should be alarming to Americans and the world at large. In an office where people expect their leader to emulate high moral values and humanitarian virtues, Trump has let them down.

The fact that Trump does not play well with others is because he doesn’t like people. He has studied ways to inflame those he dislikes with fiery rhetoric taken out of the book of one of his heroes. However, little does he know that the hatred that Hitler displayed toward the Jews came straight out of the playbook of the biggest “Hater” of all time, Satan. Satan hates mankind because they are God’s creation. Therefore, who ever hates entire races of people is at odds with God and in bed with the devil. According to Jesus Christ, anyone who hates is a murderer. So don’t be fooled, whenever you encounter someone whether a supervisor or dictator with the capacity to categorically hate groups of  people, there is an unseen force at work behind the scenes. Wherever you find hate of this sort, you can be sure to find Satan’s fingerprints somewhere on the scene.  Jesus says:

“Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life residing in him”. 1 John 3:15 (NIV)

5. Narcissist cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. strong>

Another distinguishable characteristic of narcissist is their inability to distinguish fantasy from reality. For some reason narcissist are given to wild and unsubstantiated conspiracies. Whether it comes from an inability to discern truth or an effort to deceive others for personal gain, narcissist since Satan have wrestled with this malady of the mind. Again, Satan was the first conspiracy theorist in history. He  deceived 1/3 of the angelic beings to believe they were capable of overthrowing the government of God. Since his fall, he has continued to deceive masses through lewd and unrealistic theories that darken the hearts of rulers and dictators.

One such ruler was the Roman Emperor Domitian. Also known as Titus Flavious Caesar Domitianus Augustus, Domitian was Roman emperor from 81 to 96 B.C. During his reign he re instituted a traditional religious order known as the “Imperial Cult” a tradition that ran through the Flavian Dynasty which considered members of his family deity. For what should be considered more superstition than religion, the “Imperial Cult” was the basis for widespread persecution of Christians in the first century.

Believing that his father Vespasian was elevated to divine status after his death, set the Roman emperor on a direct collision course with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Conspiracies theories are dangerous because they  often lead to destructive and reckless behavior on behalf of those who believe them. Domitian was the conspiracy theorist of his time.  He believed that he was afforded divine status at birth.  but unfortunately, there is another narcissists who also wrestled with the facts surrounding someone’s birth that  contributes to one of the most popular conspiracies of the 21st century.

This came to light when Trump exploited the theory that 44th President of the United States of America Barack Obama was not a legal citizen of the United States. Following a movement called the “Birther Movement” Trump harassed then candidate and later president Obama with baseless claims to derail his candidacy and to assassinate his character. Since becoming president, Trump has not abandoned his propensity to volley baseless claims at his adversaries. He alleges that Obama wiretapped his telephones during the 2016 campaign. Wow! The Business Insider has compiled a list of Trumps wild and fictitious theories. You should read them before the 2020 election.

This short historical narrative allows us to see the danger of world leaders who do not have a firm grip on reality or more importantly the truth. Like Domitian, Trump was caught up over a birth conspiracy and was not able to break free. Like so many other nefarious plots to control the masses and to lead people astray, conspiracy theories are just another attempt by Satan to control central figures with delicately woven lies designed to divide and conquer ultimately destroy the masses.

“The thief comes but to kill steal and to destroy.” John 10:10

6. Narcissist Think they Are Above the Law. Trumps/ Elvis

Contrary to popular belief, not all narcissist are hardened killers, cold hearted thieves or perpetrators of genocide. As we stated before the most venomous narcissist could be the person next door. This is because narcissist have an uncanny ability to camouflage themselves into almost any environment and go undetected for years and decades. In my opinion, one of the least expected industries to find a narcissist is the record and entertainer business. However, this is exactly where we find one of the world’s most popular entertainers and probably the most covert narcissist, Elvis Presley.

According to Richard Conner author of the book “Rewire”, an intrusive manual into self-destructive behavior, one of the reasons we find narcissist within the entertainment business is because of their “Star power” Star power for the entertainer is like money to the financier; it raises him or her to a level above personal accountability. Because of their giftedness, they think that they are above the law; that the rules that govern others, don’t apply to them. Narcissists in this field often apply for a “free pass” in life because they are special. Conner highlights Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe as others that fit into this category.

Presley, known as the “King of Rock and Roll” was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo Mississippi. Elvis was portrayed as an All-American boy. And performed free concerts while serving in the U.S. Army. Presley, gained the respect and admiration of fellow soldiers by acting like just one of the boys.  After his release from the military service, Presley rose to super stardom appearing on television shows and Hollywood films. He became a Hollywood success and the most popular singer and entertainer in the world. However, behind scenes Presley was addicted to prescription amphetamines given to him to by Army buddies to increase his energy levels and strength. Ironically, while addicted, Presley was bothered by the influx of “Illegal drugs” flowing onto America streets and wanted to do something about it.

On December 21, 1970 while visiting the White House, Presley was recognized by White House Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman of the Nixon administration and escorted to the Oval Office to meet an expectant President Richard Nixon. After a brief conference, Presley expressed his desire to help combat the wave of drugs reaching America youth and accepted Nixon’s invitation to be a representative on his new campaign to curb the drug epidemic. Presley was given a Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Badge. Shortly after joining the tasks force, Presley’s marriage, health and career entered a state of decline. Grotesquely overweight and suffering from declining health, Presley died on August 16, 1977 at 42. An autopsy revealed that at the time of death, Presley had over 12 different prescription drugs in his body.

When it comes to this type of behavior Donald Trump ‘s name always comes to mind. Over the last few months, Trump has reinforced his belief that he is above the law. Since his presidency Trump has acted more like a dictator that an elected official in a Democratic form of government, He has appointed judges at every level who support his belief that a president should be above the law. This push to be above the law has intensified since the beginning of an investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Trumps involvement with Russians election tamperers. Trump may be in bed financially those who want to undermine the same Democracy he is sworn to protect. This all emanates  from a narcissistic mindset that always seeks to color outside of well defined lines.

Narcissists like Trump and Presley think that they are the exception to the rule. They are deceived by the notion that they deserve special treatment. They surround themselves with those who are fearful to tell them to the truth. Presley thought he wasn’t a drug addict, only the people that used Illegal drugs were. That deception led him to wear a badge to combat drug use while he was a  drug addict himself. Trump has hinted at arresting Hillary Clinton and to others who oppose him politically while insisting that he should be not be subject to the consequences of his involvement in the worst attack on our Democratic ideals in Americas history. Being blinded by one’s own demons while trying to exercise them from others is a symptom of the narcissistic mindset: narcissists think they are worthy of preferential treatment and are not governed by the rules that apply to others.

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18 NIV

7. Narcissist Eventually Lead their Followers to Destruction. Jim Jones

As we saw in the last example there is no single place that harbors all the world’s narcissist. But they are strategically dispersed based on their function and the lethality of their purpose (Eph. 6:12). As we stated earlier, Satan will use people in any sphere of influence to carry out his plans, however, based on his knowledge of heaven, the realm of “Religion” is where he has carried out his most deceptive and destructive plots.

As I write this article, this week commemorates 40 years since the most horrific crime against humanity in American history. The mass killing of over 700 people in the Jonestown, Guyana by Jim Jones a charismatic preacher who preyed on the weak and disenfranchised to start a cult called the “Peoples Temple”. Jones an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God was raised poor in rural Indiana where early in life he had an affinity for the readings of Marx, Lenin, Stalin. He also known to have a passionate interest in religion and a strange and often perverted view of death. Insomuch, as a child he was remembered as holding funerals for pets he had tortured and killed. As a teenager Jones, a social outcast, became a sympathizer of the marginalized African-American community in Indiana which cause a rift between him and his father a believed member of the Ku Klux Klan. As an adult, Jones a self-professed Communist, was at odds with Capitalist American ideal which he believed was at the root of the disenfranchisement of blacks. In 1951 he started a Church and using a combination of Marxist and anti- racial rhetoric attracted a large black following. Jones even received accolades from the Urban League and the NAACP for his supposed sensitivity to the plight of African- Americans.

This belief that Jones cared about African -Americans was short lived when revelations that Jones used this social platform to further his Communist cause came to light. Communist at heart, Jones used the Church to monetize the advancement his Marxist-Leninist views. This so-called shepherd led blind followers from Indiana to Jones town Guyana, where on November 18, 2018, 900 of his followers were found dead on an isolated compound in Jonestown Guyana. The cause of death was ruled suicide. Over 300 children were among the dead. Jones was later found dead from what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the head. Jones was responsible for the largest single deliberate act of death for civilian Americans in U.S. history other than 9/11.

One would think that a human disaster of this sort would offer historical insight into the power of 1 individual to lead masses to the grave in a cult like fashion. But this is not the case. There is a currently a movement just as sinister and dangerous as the Jonestown massacre a foot today. Just like Jim Jones, Donald Trump has used fear and hate to lead a segment of American evangelicals into an extreme form of nationalism. The cult like following of Donald Trump by millions of blue-collar hardworking Americans who believe that they too have been economically disenfranchised could be the largest form of mass destruction since Jonestown. Like the African Americans of the 1960’s and 70’s, whites today have been blinded by the real motives of Donald Trump: to enrich himself and his billionaire cronies not to help the less fortunate. Using the slogan “Make America Great Again”, Trump has fanned the flames of fear and hate existent in the American DNA to lead naive Americans on the path to destruction. This has been done by preaching that alienating minorities and other ethnic groups is the only way to resolve their economic concerns.

Instead of promoting a united hope for all Americans where all can have access to the American ideal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Trump has led a segment of the American electorate on an ideological wild goose chase that promises them something he can’t deliver. While these marginalized Americans believe that the loss of American jobs is due the increasing number of minorities and immigrants in America, nothing could be further from the truth, it is these social forces that truly “Make America Great”. The fact of the matter is that over the last 40 years the world has become more connected or “Globalized” due to advancements in technological innovations and less to the capriciousness of any ethnic or political group.

The fact that Trump continues to feed upon the ignorance of millions of white Americans for his personal economic and political gain is deplorable, however, I’m afraid that if the lot of his current followers, don’t come to the truth of his  plot to use them, then like African Americans of the 70’s they will reap the devastating consequences of their ignorance. I fear that the abandonment of the hope for economic salvation for whites will lead them to destructive and disastrous means to achieve the same ends. Choosing the “bullet” over the “ballot” will be suicidal to our Democratic processes and be more destructive for America than the Massacre in Guyana 40 years earlier.

Again, Satan fell from heaven, therefore, he knows the business of religion inside out. Like a former IRS agent who now helps you to resolve your tax problems, Satan is an expert in the realm of religion and uses it to disrupt, and to derail order in the earth. What we need to take away from this is narcissist like Donald Trump and Jim Jones never care about the economic plight of marginalized people regardless of their race. they only care their own interest, sadly, those who follow them are usually destroyed before they realize this truth.

“The thief comes but to kill steal and to destroy.” John 10:10

In Conclusion,

As a young college student 20 years ago, I couldn’t have imagined the devastating impact narcissist’s have had on our current world. From ancient Kings like Nebuchadnezzar whose pride caused him to shake his fist at God or Roman emperors like Domitian who claimed divine status for himself and his family to 20th century despots like Adolf Hitler whose attempt to annihilate an entire race left a destructive mark on the pages of history.

Unfortunately, all the traits displayed by world’s most notorious narcissist are present in the personality of Donald Trump. The inability to tell the truth, the hatred toward large swaths of people, and the notion that he is above the law are just of a few of the maladaptive characteristics which align Donald Trump with some of the worst thugs in history. His desire to deprive millions of their hard-earned money through deceptive business practices (Trump University) puts him squarely in the same category as the most venomous thief in American history Bernie Madoff.

I used the expanse of history to show that narcissism is not just a mental malady but a spiritual sickness. There is no earthy possibility that the same narcissistic traits would continue to surface over the pantheon of human existence without a more deviant and diabolical personality standing behind the historical curtain pulling the strings. And, there is, his name is Satan. Ever since his ejection from heaven, Satan has been the hidden force behind evil in the world and the progenitor of the narcissistic mindset which attempted to conceal itself in Greek Mythology. Designed to control kings, emperors, financiers, and yes, presidents Satan has used narcissim to commit mass atrocities and to  oppose the will of God.

Therefore, I hope that my research will serve as a beacon to expose the current darkness of the Trump administration and the danger it poses to American Democracy. I especially hope that those who think that Donald is committed to what’s best for America will let this be your wake-up call to take a closer look at his behavior with history serving as your tutor. My goal has been to show you from a spiritual and a historical perspective that he is not committed to your concerns nor the ideals that truly “Make America Great”. This article is intended to show that Trump is the most recent in a long line of wicked men who are controlled by a hidden force to destroy any organizations, alliances, or cooperatives that constitute harmony among racial, political or economic institutions. Remember, narcissist’s hate rules, and always color outside the lines even when its more beneficial not to.

However, because of the ability to systematically analyze the past we can connect the historical dots that will help us see the future and prevent us from becoming the next victims. For those who follow Donald Trump, biblical history teaches us that Satan led an unsuccessful revolt against God where he and 1/3 of his angelic followers were evicted from heaven. Additionally, secular history teaches that thousands of German soldiers were killed in WWII following Hitler’s extreme form of hate wrapped in a flag of nationalism. People lost billions of dollars in investments following the deceitful financial advice of  Bernie Madoff. Not to mention the hundreds who  followed cult leader Jim Jones to their deaths in Jonestown Guyana. By these examples, I hope that those who follow Donald Trump to the polls will see the larger picture: Donald Trump does not care about any particular portion of the American electorate more than another portion. Narcissist don’t like people period. They only use them to carry out larger and more sinister plots often hidden to the followers. Unfortunately, as we have seen in every example, after the plan fails, it is not just the main actors that are destroyed, but the followers who couldn’t see the truth, that were either dead, broke, or left alone to live with social stigma that comes with following the wrong person.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10 (NIV)

Author: mastersbusiness

Blogger, Author, Preacher, Public Speaker

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