I’m Stuck: The Art of Getting Out of Bad Situations: John Wick

I’m Stuck: The Art of Getting Out of Bad Situations: John Wick

Last month I had the opportunity to enjoy one of my favorite pastimes going to the movies. While enjoying a day off, I went to the local theater to see the highly awaited and anticipated John Wick 3 “Parabellum”. And for the many Keanu Reeves fans out there, I can truly say John Wick 3, delivered. Action, from start to finish, excitement and suspense, you name it, John Wick 3 has it. During the film, Reeves repeatedly uses a wide variety of fighting tactics, weapons, and stunts to escape tight situations. And while I was impressed with Reeves throughout the movie, I was also impressed with how writer Derek Kolstad masterfully placed Reeves into unimaginable situations then constructed some of the most unthinkable ways to get him out.

For instance, in classic Houdini style, Wick who appears to be doomed from start, outlast his adversaries until the end. He then performs another last second escape evading death and thus setting the stage for John Wick 4.  While sitting in the theater, I was instantly reminded of biblical writers who recorded some of the great escapes of the Bible. These writers recorded the amazing rescues and deliverance’s God performed on behalf of His people.

While there are many similarities to the narratives of Kolstad and biblical writers, there are also many differences. One main distinction is that Wick writers give an accurate account of powerful world organizations and how they use natural weapons and tactics to achieve earthly ends. Where as biblical writers pull back the curtains revealing the real supernatural enemies behind these organizations whose goals are to set up, trap, and attack God’s people in efforts to derail God’s heavenly agenda. However, because of these supernatural enemies, writers from Moses to Jeremiah to Luke have recorded how God sidesteps the plan of the enemy to give supernatural deliverance’s to believers throughout the ages.

Writing 66 books over a period of 1600 years, biblical writers were consistent in their view that regardless of the situation, God was able to rescue those who trust Him. Like Wick,these writers penned stories of saints in conditions so perilous that only the most unorthodox methods and nontraditional means could be used to rescue them. Rescues so amazing Kolstad and his contemporaries would find it hard to duplicate them on the big screen.

The basis for God’s universal escape plan is of legal significance. It comes through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God used Jesus Christ the -greatest escape artist ever- to rescue the world from sin and death and to give the world eternal life. Now that we are deliverer from sin, God extends a universal “get out of jail free” card to all of humanity. He knows that even though Jesus died for our sins the world is in fallen state and every now and then we will need to be rescued. So, if you are experiencing an emotional, spiritual, or financial difficulty, don’t panic, God has a plan of escape specific to your situation.

The Apostle Paul explains the biblical truth of God’s escape plan for you in this way:

“ There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV

Based on this promise, lets use the daring escapes of John Wick as a back drop for the dramatic rescues performed by God in the Bible.

  1. Elijah Surrounded by the Aramean Army: Prayer

In the opening scene of the John Wick 3 movie Parabellum, he is surrounded by a host of assassins all looking to cash in on 14-million-dollar bounty placed on his head by a ruling body of killers. Known as the “High Table” this worldwide network of assassins track Wick for violating a “High Table” rule, the killing of an official at the Continental Hotel in Manhattan. For this Wick encounters assassins at every turn ready to attack instantly. With a panicked look, he suddenly realizes is surrounded.

Like Wick sometimes we can find ourselves surrounded by problems in life which make us think there is nowhere to turn. Many times, our situations cause us to panic when there is no apparent answer or remedy available. In these times we must look higher to gain a better perspective of our current situation.

This is what happened in the Old Testament when a writer named Jeremiah penned a narrative of a similar but more devastating account of being surrounded. In 2 Kings, Jeremiah records the encirclement of the Prophet Elisha and his servant Gehazi by King of Aram and his army. According to the story, Elisha supernaturally leaked Aram’s military secrets to Israel’s commanders giving them an advantage in the war. Because of this Aram sent troops to capture and kill Elisha. 

 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city. 2 Kings 6 13-14

Yes, King of Aram sent an entire army to capture one man, sound familiar? But according to the story, while attempting to silence Elisha, he frightened his servant instead. When Elisha’s servant Gehazi realized that he was surrounded by a fierce enemy, he did what any reasonable person would do when caught in a tight spot: he cried for help for fear of his life. 

“Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. 2 Kings 6: 15 NIV

Shockingly, instead of pleading to the King, for his life and for that of his servant, Elisha did not turn his attention to the army of King Aram army at all.  Obviously not shaken by the number of troops encamped around them, Elisha spoke words of faith to calm his servants’ fears

Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them. 2 Kings 6: 16 NIV

I guess when the servant heard Elisha’s words, he must have thought that Elisha had lost his mind. How can you say there are more of us than the enemy when we are surrounded by thousands of soldiers, horses, and chariots? But instead of trying to convince his servant, Elisha prayed a simple prayer.

 And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. 2 Kings 6: 17 KJV

Elisha knew that what Gehazi needed was a better perspective of the situation. According to the writer Jeremiah, when Elisha prayed something amazing happened: Gehazi’s eyes were opened and he saw thousands of chariots and horses of fire in the hills surrounding the Aramean Army. He suddenly realized that instead of contemplating his defeat, all the time, he should have been celebrating his victory.

Like Elisha when we find ourselves surrounded by the enemy, instead of panicking, we should pray to get God’s perspective of the situation. Prayer opens our eyes to the unseen realities of God’s power, protection and provision.

So, whether you are surrounded by bills, hardships, marital issues, or an addiction, don’t panic, just remember that God has already made a way for you to escape. Just like Elisha and Gehazi, God has surrounded everything that surrounds you.

 “And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha”. 2 Kings 6:17

2. Paul and Silas in Jail “Locked Up“, Praise

We’ve all heard the saying that “Life Happens” well this is true. Sometimes it seems that we are just going about our daily business and suddenly “Bam” out of nowhere we are in a jam with no clear way out.   While trouble rarely knocks on our front door and introduces itself, escaping bad situations is more difficult when you’ve been blindsided with seemingly nowhere to turn.

A similar situation happened in the first century Roman colony of Philippi. While preaching the Gospel for the first time outside the borders of Palestine, Paul and Silas encountered a girl with a spirit of divination. Because of his ability to discern demonic spirits, Paul cast the demonic spirit out of the girl which angered her masters who profited from her ability to tell fortunes. Suddenly, Paul and Silas were stripped, beaten, arrested. They were thrown into prison on trumped up charges of teaching a religion not authorized by the Roman empire.

What a day?. One minute they were walking down the street and the next minute they were stripped, beaten, and cast into prison. As the old adage goes “when it rains it pours”. Well if that were not enough the Bible record that they were put on the inner chamber of the prison with worst criminals even though they were innocent. Things went from bad to worse for Paul and Silas. In the natural it appeared that they were “Stuck.”

The Bible says at “midnight” when things were their darkest, instead of complaining Paul and Silas sang praises unto the Lord.

And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Acts 16: 25 KJV

Wow, this is amazing, locked in a foreign jail with no attorney, they didn’t ask to make a phone call, instead, they began singing praises unto the Lord. Even though the magistrates treated then harshly, casting them into prison without a formal trial, when they sang praises to God, the Judge of the Universe took their case. Unlike human judges who slam a gavel on the table to exercise their authority over the courtroom. God demonstrates His divine justice by causing an earthquake to shake the foundation of the prison to set His minister free. This supernatural demonstration of authority, suddenly reversed the decision of the magistrates, and rendered a verdict of innocence for Paul and Silas in front of the inmates and all of the prison officials. God’s divine demonstration of deliverance also makes another powerful point. It shows that God can save anyone in any place. He comes into the prison through Paul and Silas to confirm that they are His servants. While there He also breaks chains off the inmates that were locked up there, The breaking and opening of physical chains and doors are symbolic of God’s ability to break spiritual chains and open spiritual doors. The inmates didn’t escape, but because of the prayers ,praises, and preaching of Paul and Silas, they were set free from the spiritual mindsets and behaviors that put them into physical prisons.

“And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.” Acts 16: 26 KJV

After reading the last verse, I can see why someone would say “man this is one of the greatest prison breaks ever”. Well, while remarkable, what’s truly remarkable is Paul and Silas didn’t escape, they remained in the prison to preach to the deliverance to those who were bound. They didn’t have to escape because the next morning when the magistrates heard that they had imprisoned 2 Roman citizens without a trial they were afraid and released them ASAP. I am sure that Paul and Silas never thought that being wrongfully beaten and arrested would have a good outcome. But God makes all things work together for our good. Because of Paul and Silas’s arrest we know that God can rescue us from all types of prisons. whether physical, spiritual or emotional.

According to law enforcement statistics about 5% of the American population are locked up in our nations prisons and jails, however, what is not reported is the percentage of Americans that appear to be free, but are mentally and spiritually locked up due to wrong thinking patterns that lead to addictions and behavioral issues. The good news according to this scripture, is that praise can shake and overturn the root causes of these patterns called “Foundations” which represent long held beliefs and traditions that trap people in sinful behavior. For you maybe you have been locked into bad relationships and need to be set free. Well, according to Paul and Silas, your praise will open ‘Doors” and set you free. maybe you are shackled to drugs, alcohol, or pornography and need to be “loosed”from the chains of bondage, well guess what? Your praise will do the job.. Regardless of your situation, when you ‘PRAISE’ God, He will take your case Pro Bono. When you get in trouble suddenly, don’t worry, God will suddenly come to get you out.

And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed. Acts 16: 26 KJV

3: Moses at the Red Sea/ . Use your gifts

At the outset of John Wick 3, Wick realizes that he will have to think fast if he is to escape the network of killers motivated by money to kill him. After surviving the initial plot to surround and trap him, Wick dupes his enemies by escaping to a library to retrieve some special items to aid in his escape. While in the library, Wick fights a familiar but unsavory character lurking behind the bookshelves. After defeating the giant with a book, Wick takes a medallion “Marker” and a cross with him as bargaining chips to secure his escape.  

Like Wick we have all been in situations where people were not there to help us. However, instinctively, we knew where to go or what we needed to get help. Sometimes it came in the form of some money tucked away for a rainy day or in other cases a token of some sorts served as a reminder that that everything was going to be okay. Or maybe it is a place where you could go to find solace and peace until you could plot your next move. But regardless of what it is we all have something that we can rely on to help us when times get tough. The good thing about the things we need to get us out of bad situations it is often very close to us.

We find this principle true in the book of Exodus. After a miraculous escape from the oppressive hand of the Pharaoh, Moses with over 2 Million runaway slaves make their way across the Sinai Desert in search of the promised land. I believe that after they had journeyed a certain distance from Egypt, God hardened Pharaohs heart causing him to renege on his promise to set them free. The area where the Children of Israel were before Pharaoh sent his horses and chariots after they is important because it is centrally located between Egypt and the Red Sea.

“And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord.” Exodus 14 :10 KJV

This place between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea is a place is where many of us have found ourselves: between a “Rock” and a ‘Hard Place” having to choose between fighting the enemy behind you or confronting the impregnable obstacle in front blocking your route of escape. In times like these it appears that there is no way out, but nothing could be further from the truth. Often the way of escape in time like these are not traditional. old ways of escape won’t work, and we are left wondering what to do?

This was the case for Moses, he did 3 things that we all do when we feel stuck. First, he paused. When Moses heard the chariots, he was frozen in fear. Next, he panicked, realizing that Pharaoh was in hot pursuit he thought of a natural escape, but there was none. Then he prayed. To “Cry” out means to pray or to call God in desperation.  Unfortunately, when going through difficult trials our theology will be put to the test. While prayer and praise are always good, sometimes, we can pray when God wants us to act. We don’t need prayer when the will of God has already been revealed. During those times, God doesn’t want to hear your prayers He wants to see your faith; so, put your gifts to work to get out of tight situations.

And the Lord said unto Moses, wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: Exodus 14: 15 KJV

According to this scripture God is essentially saying “why are you looking at me”? Does this mean that God turns His back on us when we are in trouble? No, it means that God has given you everything you need to get out.

But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. Exodus 14: 16 KJV

With God looking down from heaven, Pharaoh chasing in hot pursuit, the Red Sea directly in front of him and over 2 million petrified followers crying, God told Moses to lift a stick to divide the Red Sea and to escape to dry land. What a display of faith. Often the way that God orchestrates our escape is in a way that we would not have thought of ourselves. But God is supernatural, and He has ways you never imagined bringing you out of your mess.

While many of us have not been caught between an actual Red Sea with a real marching army, behind us we’ve all faced that felt like it. In this example, Moses helps us to realize we often find ourselves stuck between fear (Pharaoh) which paralyzes us and faith (Red Sea) our way of escape. The good news is God has placed something in your hand to overcome your fears and to move forward in faith.

 “But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left” Exodus 14: 29 KJV

Like Moses, John Wick escaped with what he had in his hand. Using a ‘Marker” to redeem promises from old friends who were sworn to help him. According to the Book of Exodus which means “to exit” Moses uses a “Stick” to part the Red Sea and lead the children of Israel to dry ground. Theologians and Bible scholars say that the stick used by Moses is symbolic of the wooden Cross that Jesus Christ used to set humanity free. So regardless of what you have in your hand use it to escape, Jesus has paid the price.

[i]4. Jeremiah upside down in a well: Friends

After securing a Marker John Wick was able to use it to get help from old friends and acquaintances. Wick knew the value of the gift and the promises attached to it. With gift in hand Wick would use it to secure his release and to reverse the death sentence placed in him by the high table. First, Wick goes to the ballet hall to meet the “Director” a woman who raised him and who knew the value of the “Crucifix” or the Cross Wick offered as ticket for his escape. She receives the crucifix and grants him safe passage from Manhattan to Casa Blanca Morocco at the cost to her personal safety. She then brands Wick to signify that he has used his last ticket for escape. In Casablanca, Wick is reacquainted with another old friend “Sofia” played by Halle Berry who owes him a favor. By receiving his marker, Sofia agrees take him to a member of the high table who can remove his bounty.

Sometimes we will need the help of trusted friends to defeat our enemies and to escape our desperate situations. In some cases we will rely on old friends who honor prior commitments and news ones who can point us to the way out. This was the case several millennia earlier than the John Wick story, in the life of the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah was sent to deliver good and bad news to his Jewish countrymen. Because of their sin and disobedience to the law of God, God sentenced the Israelites to 70 years of captivity at the hands of the Babylonians. The good news was, if they surrendered, no one would be killed, and the city of Jerusalem would be spared. As you might imagine this message did not go over well with the King. So, he sent for men to put Jeremiah in a hole.

 “Then took they Jeremiah and cast him into the dungeon of Malchiah the son of Hammelech, that was in the court of the prison: and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in the dungeon, there was no water, but mire: so, Jeremiah sunk in the mire. Jeremiah 38:6 KJV

Just as with Wick and the high table, Jeremiahs relationship with his fellow countrymen became the source of great distress and difficulty.  According to Bible scholars Jeremiah was known as the “weeping prophet”. His calling to rebuke an entire nation was not an easy one. Jeremiah was often persecuted for his words. During his ministry Jeremiah often showed signs of depression. He even wanted to quit on several occasions because of his suffering at the hands of his fellow Jews. Jeremiah says:

 “For since I spoke, I cried out, I cried violence and spoil; because the word of the LORD was made a reproach unto me, and a derision, daily”. Jeremiah 20: 8 KJV

“Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.” Jeremiah 20: 9 KJV

These words alone signal that Jeremiah may have been suffering from depression. According to the scripture being attacked every day became too much for him. Even though he was around his countrymen, he was alone and alienated because of his unique calling. He was poor, treated unfairly and despaired for his life.

People with depression feel as if they are in a hole either because they are alienated from friends and family or around people they do not connect with. While reading this some of you may say what does this have to do with me, I am not in a stuck in a hole? Well like many Americans you may not be stuck in a physical hole, but you may be in an emotional hole with no obvious way out of it.

 we can’t seem to get out. But there is help. According to Mental Health America about 6.7 million Americans suffer from depression which comes to about 16 million people. According to the organization there are different causes for depression to include life events, divorce, loss of a loved one and biological causes. Women experience depression twice as much as men. Even though depression is becoming an American epidemic there is still good news.

While people can be the agents of enormous stress and pain in our lives they also can serve as God’s healing agents. The Bible says that when it was known that Jeremiah had been placed in a hole one of the servants came to rescue him. He gathered all the necessary equipment and people needed to pull Jeremiah up out of the dungeon.

And Ebedmelech the Ethiopian said unto Jeremiah, Put now these old cast clouts and rotten rags under thine armholes under the cords. And Jeremiah did so. Jeremiah 38:12 KJV

Having a trusted person to talk to about your depression may be the first step to your escape. However, just as in the scripture, getting the help of a group with the right resources to pull you out may be the next step. Just remember, you may be in a low, dark, tight place right now because of the actions of others but rest assured that God has someone on the way to bring you out and to lead you to a brighter and larger future.

So, they drew up Jeremiah with cords, and took him up out of the dungeon: and Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison. Jeremiah 38:13 KJV

  • 5. Peter in Prison: Angels

In all the examples of miraculous deliverances we have just discussed, the power of God was the deciding factor in rescue of saints throughout history. Whether friends, gifts or praise it was the supernatural power of God that brought victory in dark times. Even though God uses many sources to bring us out, the ministry of angels is one of the most misunderstood, but powerful sources of bringing us out of bad situations. In Acts chapter 12, the Bible records one of the most thrilling rescues in Eastern literature. The Apostle Peter is imprisoned for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ by King Herod. After a week of brutality and carnage where Herod killed several saints, he has Peter in prison awaiting his execution the next day.

“It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who belonged to the church, intending to persecute them. He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the sword. When he saw that this met with approval among the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also”. Acts 12:1-2 NIV

What a dangerous time in the life of the early Church everyone associated with Jesus was marked for persecution by the King. However, the next verse highlights an interesting response by the Church, the Bible says that the Church prayed for Peter.

 ‘So, Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. Acts 12- 5 NIV

 We have already discussed the power of prayer to escape your difficult situation in the first example. But the truth of the matter is that prayer is an acceptable response in any situation when we need God’s help. However, there is another aspect of God’s deliverance that I want you to see: even though we should always pray, prayer is the key that opens the door to the supernatural realm. Once we are in the spirit, God can use whatever spiritual weapons He chooses for your rescue. For Moses He used a “Rod”, for Gideon He used trumpets, but for Peter, He chose angels

 Throughout the Bible angels have been used to bring deliverance to God’s people in times of distress. While mainstream religion and secular philosophies dismiss the ministry of angels, the Bible clearly tells us that they are God’s agents commissioned to carry out His heavenly purpose on earth.

“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrews 1:14 NIV

According to this scripture God sends His angels to bring salvation, in other words to “Save” us. Not just eternally, but temporarily as well.  The story of Peter’s imprisonment is an interesting one because it shows the power of God to deliver from the destructive situations. King Herod represents the power of earthly forces in their quest to hinder the spread of the Gospel. Herod efforts are demonically inspired and thus too much for human power to overcome. Satan is the hidden force behind wicked politicians, oppressive governments, and rogue militias that lock people into prison, He is also the source of dangerous philosophies that bind people into addictions, perversions and depression. If we can learn anything about Satan from the actions of Herod, we see that either through destructive policies, (locking Peter up for no reason) or perversions (locking people into destructive mindsets), Satan, a fallen angel, wants to imprison you first, then kill you.

As the church prayed for Peter, I am sure their faith was fueled by a previous deliverance God wrought of behalf of Israel. According to 2 Kings, God defeated a perverted nation, a wicked King, and a massive army with a single angel.

 That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies 2 Kings 19:35 NIV

While this story is impressive to say the least the good news for Peter is that whatever God did before He will do it again. The Bible records that night God sent angels to deliver Peter from 16 soldiers who guarded him with their lives. The angels supernaturally broke the chains and brought Peter out conducting one of the most miraculous rescue missions ever recorded. In the morning they found Peter gone and the prison cell was empty.

The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists. Acts 12: 6:7 NIV

After reading this scripture you should be reminded that whatever situation you are in God has a plan already in place for your escape. One of God’s greatest escape artist are His angels. He sends angels when the attack appears to be from a human source but it’s Satan pulling the strings. According to the 2 accounts He sends them at night. I think the reason for this is that God doesn’t want you to let the enemy keep you up at night. God wants you to go to sleep and let Him fight your battles for you. So, no matter what your legal situation looks like right now, don’t worry God is working it out. When ruling powers come against you God will be your advocate. He will send His angels to deliver you out of your prison whether physical or spiritual.

“In the morning, there was no small commotion among the soldiers as to what had become of Peter. After Herod had a thorough search made for him and did not find him, he cross-examined the guards and ordered that they be executed. “Acts 12:19 NIV